Vision & MissionServices & ActivitesOrganizational Chart


I love La Union: The Heart of Agri-Tourism in Northern Luzon by 2025


To be the catalyst for sustainable and inclusive development that improves the quality of life of our people.


  1. Conduct of Training/Seminar on traffic Management
  2. Conduct of Tarining/ Seminar on Bomb Detection and Disposal
  3. Conduct of Training/Seminar on Markmanship & Combat Shooting
  4. Re Training of Security Personnel
  5. Conduct of Team Building Activity
  6. Procurement of Firearms and Ammunition
  7. Procurement of hand held Radios
  8. Procurement of Base Radio
  9. Procurement of Office Tables
  10. Procurement of LED TV
  11. Procurement of Metal detectors
  12. Procurement of motorcycle

Organizational Chart