The Performance Governance System (PGS) is a successful management tool for local government unit, national government agencies, civil society organizations and the private sector to work together on improving governance, service delivery and community living standards. It was introduced by the Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA) in the Philippines. It is based on Kaplan and Norton's Balanced Scorecard System from the Harvard Business School. The installation of the Balanced Scorecard System in the Province of La Union through the PGS entails the installation of the Office for Strategy Management (OSM), the OSM is a requirement in the Compliance Stage of the PGS Pathway. The OSM is the owner of the key processes in the management system. It integrates and coordinates activities that align strategy and operations. It also facilitates the execution of processes that cross business and functional lines. The establishment of the OSM in the Province of La Union as the Oversight of Provincial Strategy (OPS) will make the province the first among the Provincial Practitioners to be able to establish a full plantilla positions for the office. The success of the PGS lies on the functionality of the OPS leading the Province to be the first success story of the PGS at the provincial level.
- Strategy Development and Alignment
- Strategic Initiatives Management, Planning and Budgeting
- Scorecard Management and Strategy Review
- Strategy Communications, Best Practice Sharing and Knowledge Management
- Capacity Building on Governance and Governance Outreach
- STLT and MSGC Secretariat
Currently, the OPS is responsible in cascading the strategy to the provincial departments and hospitals for the alignment of Office Performance Commitment and Reviews (OPCRs) and Individual Performance Commitment and Reviews (IPCRs). Cascading Sessions were conducted from February to June 2017 in cooperation with Governor's Consultants and Human Management Division (HRMD).
To further cascade the strategy, the OPS facilitated the MDS for the municipalities of Naguilian, San Gabriel and Pugo in cooperation with the Governor's Consultants.
The OPS also provided technical assistance to other offices for the development of sectoral transformative frameworks for peace and order, disaster management, health and education among others.
Operationally, the OPS leads the conduct of PGS Activities in the Province such as the Value Chain Mapping Workshop, Vision, Mission, Values (VMV) Workshop and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) among others. It also serves as secretariat to STLT and MSGC.
Moreover, the OPS also spearheaded the conduct of the PGS 101: PGLU Mini Boot Camp which served as a venue to indoctrinate the participants on the La Union Transformative Governance Roadmap, Scorecard and Initiatives. The session also oriented the participants on the PGS Tools that can be utilized in driving breakthrough performance in their respective offices.
The OPS was able to conduct two (2) Mini Boot Camps, the first was conducted last December 6-8, 2016 which was attended by the Heads of Offices, Chiefs of Hospitals and Middle Management Group. The second was conducted last April 5-7, 2016 which was participated by the Planning Officers, Agriculturist and Tourism Officers of the 20 component LGUs of the Province. The session was also attended and observed by the Local Chief Executives of the City and Municipalities.
Organizational Chart

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Contact Information
Office Address: 2nd Floor, Provincial Strategy Office, Provincial Capitol of La Union, Aguila Rd., Brgy. II, City of San Fernando 2500
Telephone: (072) 687-1115 / 888-0503