Vision & MissionMandateServices & ActivitesOrganizational ChartCitizens Charter


To develop and maintain a robust human resource that extends a transformative, responsive, professional and ethical service to the people of La Union.


  • To provide a sound employment and manpower planning program in order to optimize utilization of personnel.
  • To ensure effective implementation of the employee welfare and benefits/incentive and award program
  • To institutionalize a responsive career and personnel management program.
  • To promote employee awareness and observance of norms of conduct established by the agency and the Civil Service Commission.
  • To maintain an up-to-date Personnel Management Information System which facilitates all personnel actions and services.


  1. Promote career development, morale, integrity, efficiency, responsiveness, progressiveness and courtesy in the implementation of personnel management.
  2. Assist and advise the Governor and other officials in the execution of policies, rules and regulations in all areas of personnel management in accordance with the Civil Service Laws and Rules.
  3. Implement a comprehensive and balanced personnel development programs designed to raise the level of efficiency, effectiveness and morale of the personnel.
  4. Establish and implement a sound recruitment and selection system within the organization to ensure the employment of job-fit individuals.
  5. Administer the position classification and compensation system (as prescribed by the Department of Budget and Management) and other employee welfare programs such as leave, compensatory time-off, Saranay Aid, retirement and other benefits.
  6. Assist the departments and agency in the development and implementation of the Strategic Performance Management System.
  7. Establish and administer a continuing employee rewards and recognition system to motivate employee performance and productivity.
  8. Maintain an updated personnel information system.
  9. Liaise with Civil Service Commission (CSC) on personnel matters.


  • Recruitment and Selection
  1. Publication of vacancy
  2. Assistance to walk-in job applicants
  3. Administration of technical/screening exam
  4. Conduct of Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB)
  5. Verification of Civil Service (CS)/Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) eligibility
  6. Issuance of appointments
  7. Orientation of newly hired/promoted employees
  8. Submission of reports:
    • Report on Appointment Issued (RAI)
    • Report on Employee Accession
    • Report on Personnel Separation
    • Staff Complement Report
    • Quarterly Manpower Complement
  9. Placement of On-the-Job Trainees
  10. Placement of Volunteer
  • Employee Welfare and Benefits
  1. Administer Salary Adjustment
  2. Administer Salary Increase
  3. Process leave applications
  4. Process terminal leave benefit
  5. Process GSIS Separation Benefit request
  6. Process Saranay Benefit request
  7. Issuance of Sympathy Card
  8. Administer Loyalty Benefit
  9. Process application for Compensatory Time-Off (CTO)
  10. Process Employee Loans
  • GSIS
  • Bank/PGLU
  • HR Policy, Productivity & Development Division
  1. Preparation of Human Resource Development (HRD)/Annual Training Plan
  2. Conduct of capacity development program
    • Staff Development Program
    • Job Orientation and Mass Oath-Taking Program
    • Pre-Retirement Program
    • Supervisory/Executive Development Program
    • Development Program for First Level Employees
    • Development Program for Second Level Employees
    • Philippine Civil Service Anniversary and Family Day
  3. Conduct of Personnel Development Committee (PDC) Meeting
  4. Review of Employee Performance and Finalization of Summary of Rating
  5. Conduct of Program on Rewards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) Committee Meeting
  6. Conferment of Awards and Recognition:
    • Best in Office Attendance
    • Loyalty Award
    • Best Employee Award
    • Service Award
    • Best Organizational Department/Hospital Award
    • Examplary Behavior Award
    • Cost Economy Measure Award
    • Gantimpala Agad Award
    • Valor Award
    • Posthumous Award
  • Personnel Discipline
  1. Counseling
  2. Employee Attendance Monitoring:
    • Best in Office Attendance
    • Loyalty Award
    • Best Employee Award
    • Service Award
    • Best Organizational Department/Hospital Award
    • Examplary Behavior Award
    • Cost Economy Measure Award
    • Gantimpala Agad Award
    • Valor Award
    • Posthumous Award
  • Personnel Data and Information
  1. Creation of 201 files
  2. Updating of Personnel Qualification Index (PQI)
  3. Updating of employee data in the PMIS
  4. Issuance of employee ID
  5. Issuance of OJT, Volunteer, SPES ID
  6. Issuance of Service Record
  7. Issuance of Certificate of Employment
  8. Issuance of Daily Time Record (DTR)
  9. Submission of GSIS Forms for member record update
  10. Prepare plantilla of permanent employees
  11. Update masterlist of permanent employees
  12. Update masterlist of casual, Job Order & Contractual employees
  13. Encode Travel Order of employees in the PMIS
  14. Receiving/ recording of clearance for manual timekeeping
  15. Recording/signing of employee payroll/ voucher
  16. Consolidation, review and Submission of SALN of PGLU Officials and Employees to the Office of the Ombudsman
  17. Draft business correspondence (office order, memorandum, letter etc.)
  18. Conduct of Regular Administrative Officers' Meeting

Organizational Chart

Citizens Charter

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