I love La Union, The hearth of Agri-Tourism in Northern Luzon by 2025
To be the catalyst for sustainable and inclusive development that improves the quality of life of our people.
General Administrative Supervision, Management and Control of all Executive Offices of the Provincial Government of La Union (PGLU) towards excellence in transformative local governance for sustainable and inclusive development that improves quality of life.
For most effective, efficient and economical governance the purpose of which is the General Welfare of the province and its inhabitants, the Local Chief Executive (LCE) shall exercise functions provided by the Local Government Code of 1991 and other applicable laws. Specifically, the Provincial Governor, the LCE of the Province shall:
Exercise general supervision, management and control over all executive offices, development programs, projects, services and activities of the provincial government and in this connection shall perform such duties and functions defined in Section 465 (1), (i) to (xx) of the LGC. This includes the creation and establishment of the Oversight for Provincial Strategy (OPS) Office "to oversee the successful implementation of the Performance Governance System (PGS) Pathway:
Inform the people and heads of agencies of the province by Proclamation, Executive Orders, Memoranda and other development information, education and communication through their Local Chief Executives (LCEs) and media outlets, the La Union Transformative Governance Road Map, all genral laws of government, orders and circulars which specifically concerns their participation in development;
To institutionalize the Executive-Legislative Advisory Coucil (ELDAC) to effectively plan and implement the priority program/project contained in the Executive-Legislative Agenda (ELA) for the period;
Direct and capacitate all provincials and employees and other stakeholders for effective participation in the Performance Governance System (PGS) Pathway towards the attainment of provincial and applicable regional and national development plans, objectives, programs and projects beneficial to the people;
To maintain complete and updated information of all sources of the province supportive of all socio-economic development of the province, component city and municipalities for relevant development planning, bench-marking and decision making;
Provide technical and financial assistance as possible in the promotion, organization and development management of cooperatives, indigenous people organizations, rural workers, sectoral associations and other community development organizations/partners including the national government agencies (NGAs), NGOs, POs and Private Sector for meaningful development public-private partnerships and sharing on resources with the partner-people themselves;
Re-organize and strengthen all local special bodies, councils, committees and boards to assist in development planning and budgeting, program/project, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of priority plans, programs, projects of the provincial government for, by and with the people;
Strengthen the peace, order and security in the province thru the unified efforts of the Provincial Council of the Five (5) Pillars of Criminal Justice System, PPOC and LUADAC and facilitate the compliance and operation of the La Union Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Center and CLIP for rebel returnees;
Upscale the implementation of the PGLU's economic enterprise development; poverty alleviation programs; education health and other basic services for inclusive growth;
Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to governance of the province, and the exercise of the appropriate corporate powers provided in Rule IX, Art. 46 of the Rules and implement all approved policies, programs, projects, services and activities of the province and in addition shall perform the functions defined in SEc. 465, (2);(I) to (VI);
Initiate, innovate and maximize the generation of resources or revenues of the province and apply the same for the efficient, effective and economical implementation of approved development plans, programs, projects and priorities as provided for under Sec. 18 of the LGC particularly those resources or revenues programmed to agro-industrial development, economic enterprise development, poverty reduction, sustainable development and province-wide growth and progress of the province and its principle and relative hereto shall perform the duties defined in Sec. 465,(3), (VI) to (VII);
Propose legislative measures to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, as often as may be deemed necessary and also present the program of government, propose policies, programs and priorities as provided for under Sec. 18 of the LGC particularly those resources or revenues programmed for the welfare of the inhabitants and the priority needs of the province may require;
Ensure the efficient and effective provision/delivery of basic physical-socio-economic services as contained in the La union Transformative Governance Road Map, Updated Provincial Comprehensive Development Plan, La Union Tourism Master Plan and approved sectoral annual plans/ programs/ projects for the people's welfare and benefit;
Implement disaster risk reduction preparedness and emergency measures ans rehabilitation as may be necessary before, during and after any man-made and natural disaster or calamities;
Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan and provide technical assistance and support to te Provincial Governor in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and provision of adequate facilities relative to environment and natural resources as provided under Sec. 17 of the Local Government Code;
Develop plans and strategies and upon approval by the Provincial Governor, implement the same, particularly those which have to do with environment and natural resources programs and projects which the Provincial Governor is empowered to implement and which the Sangguniang Panlalawigan is empowered to provide under the LGC
Establish, maintain, protect and preserve communal forest, watersheds, mangroves, and other agro-forestry projects;
Manage and maintain seed banks and produce seedlings for forest and tree parks;
Coordinate with government agencies and NGOs in the implementation of measures to prevent and control land, air, water pollution with the assistance of DENR;
Recommend to SP and advise the Governor all matters relative to protection , conservation, application of appropriate technology and other matters related to environment and natural resources; and
Exercise such powers and perform other duties and functions as maybe prescribed by law or ordinace and higher authorities.
Organizational Chart
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Contact Information
Office Address: 2nd Floor, Office of the Provincial Governor, Provincial Capitol of La Union, Aguila Rd., Brgy. II, City of San Fernando 2500
Telephone: (072) 888-6035 / 888-3608 / 888-4453