Pollution Load Assessed in LGU Bagulin, La Union

By: Grace Libong, GPC-ENRO | Photos By: GPC-ENRO | Date: May 25, 2021

Pollution Load Assessed in LGU Bagulin, La Union. The Provincial Government - Environment and Natural Resources Office in partnership with DENR - Environmental Management Bureau–Region I conducted a workshop where in participants were taught on how to make a matrix on the Pollution Load Assessment of Naguilian River System on May 25, 2021at Suyo, Bagulin, La Union.

In its bid to promote the Initiative of the Naguilian River System-Water Quality Management area (NRS-WQMA) which is to comply with the water quality guidelines, the Provincial Government of La Union (PGLU) through the Environment and Natural Resources Office in partnership with Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) – Environmental Management Bureau – Region I conducted a workshop on the Pollution Load Assessment of Naguilian River System on May 25, 2021at Suyo, Bagulin, La Union.

The Pollution Load Assessment aimed to quantify the volume of wastewater being discharged to the Naguilian River; to provide information on the waste load contributions on surface water within each tributary; and to specify how, where and what kind of waste loads are produced in the catchment, and the kind and amount of treatment it undergoes, and the final waste loads on surface water entering the river system.

The workshop and lectures were actively participated in by 13 employees/office heads from the local government units (LGU) of Bagulin. As an output of the activity, participants were able to refresh on the salient features of the RA 9275 otherwise known as the “Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004.” The discussion revolved on the need for the clean water act, declaration of policy, sewage collection, treatment and disposal, water quality management areas, usage of fresh water, classification of water bodies, wastewater discharge permit and prohibited acts as well as fines, damages and penalties.

Further, 1st Quarter Water Quality Monitoring results of the NRS-WQMA were also presented. PG-ENRO personnel discussed the status of solid waste management in La Union which includes the creation of Environment and Natural Resources Office; establishment of sanitary landfill; material recovery facility; composting facility; plastic regulation/prohibition ordinance; issuance of Citation Ticket/penalties; residual waste diversion and special waste management.

To attain its objective in assessing sources of pollution, DENR presented the background and matrix for the Pollution Load Assessment of Naguilian River System. DENR-EMB Director Ma. Dorica Nas-Hipe, stated that when it comes to water pollution, an LGU cannot solve it alone and coming together is a great beginning while EnP Annaly Rosario-Valdes, OIC of PG-ENRO discussed the importance of strengthened collaboration between and among LGUs and National Agencies in order to attain environmental goal.

Municipal Mayor Virgilio C. Flor who participated in the workshop assured that LGU Bagulin with the help of its constituent shall do its best to assist and participate in any development effort pertaining to the environment. Further, he committed to accomplish and submit the needed data for the assessment of pollution load of the Bagulin River as tributaries of the Naguilian River. As moving forward, PGLU-ENRO also ensure to sustain its technical assistance in solid waste management, fresh water, as well as quarrying management and other environmental development effort that the LGU may desired to achieve.

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