PGLU Upskills LGU Luna on Social Media Handling, Streamlines Info Flow
By: Camille R. Bumatay, PIO | Photos By: PIO | Date: August 23, 2023
To ensure responsible social media page handling and to facilitate a more streamlined information flow in the Municipality of Luna, Gov. Raphaelle Veronica "Rafy" Ortega-David immediately granted the request of Mayor Gary N. Pinzon to conduct a Skills Enhancement Training to 32 employees who handle different social media pages and write news for the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Luna on August 23, 2023 at the temporary Command Center Building, Luna, La Union.
Discussed were topics essential on Social Media Management specifically on News Writing, Graphic Design, Photojournalism and Community Management. Resource Speakers from the Provincial Information Office shared presentations on Social Media Storytelling; Photojournalism Concepts and Applications; Fundamentals of Design; Visual Hierarchy and Community Affairs to Community Actions.
Hands-on application of learned concepts was also done where participants designed and captioned their individual posts for critiquing and feedback.
The LGU Luna expressed their gratitude to the Provincial Government of La Union (PGLU) and committed to continue to provide good governance by participating in #LaUnionPROBINSYAnihan.
The PGLU continues to be an enabler of its component LGUs towards a more informed citizenry paving way for a more proactive and united province.
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