PGLU Promotes Deaf-Friendly Tour Guides in La Union

[wp-svg-icons icon="user" wrap="span"] By:  Omme Atiyah B. Gonting |  [wp-svg-icons icon="camera" wrap="span"] By: Omme Atiyah B. Gonting  |  [wp-svg-icons icon="calendar" wrap="span"] Date: November 22-23, 2018

La Union tour guide Ms. Joy Ann Gurtiza is being assisted by Special Education Teacher Ms. Rosebeth R. Gabay while explaining the Provincial Seal to Senior High School deaf students during their mock tour at the Provincial Capitol Building, City of San Fernando, La Union on November 23, 2018. The said activity is part of the Basic Sign Language for Tour Guides, a project of the Provincial Government of La Union in partnership with Association of Tour Guides in La Union (ASTG-LU).

With the aim to equip tourism front liners with skills on effective communication for all, the Provincial Government of La Union (PGLU) conducted a three-day seminar workshop on Basic American Sign Language for Tour Guides on November 22-23, 2018 at the La Union Pasalubong Center, City of San Fernando, La Union.

This program, attended by more than 30 tour guides across the province, is in partnership with the Association of Tour Guides in La Union (ASTG-LU) headed by Mr. Xavier Mercado.

PGLU and ASTG-LU recognized the importance of learning basic sign language for the inclusion of the deaf community in the tourism industry. The activity served as an avenue for La Union tour guides to level up their competencies in tour guiding and welcoming more tourists in a larger market.

Gov. Francisco Emmanuel "Pacoy" R. Ortega III through Provincial Tourism Officer Mr. Adamor Dagang extended his appreciation to all community guides who participated in the training for their willingness to learn new tour guiding skills in order to further promote La Union.

Special Education (SpEd) Teachers of SpEd City Schools Division of San Fernando City, La Union served as Learning providers in the seminar.

The seminar includes lectures on what are the possible causes of these disability, lectures on basic signs of alphabets, numbers and colors. Also in the seminar were the different signs of municipalities in the province and proper gestures in implying a message by means of verb and noun hand gestures.

The seminar highlighted the significance of Accessible Tourism in achieving the province’s vision to make La Union the Heart of Agri-Tourism in Northern Luzon by 2025 by ensuring quality service delivery to all potential tourists in the province regardless of their physical limitations, disabilities or age.
