LU Price Coordinating Council Convenes, Address Rice Price Ceiling Concerns

By: Local Economic Enterprise and Investment Promotions Unit | Photos By: LEEIPU and DTI La Union | Date: September 8, 2023

Members of the La Union Price Coordinating Council convened for an emergency meeting on September 8, 2023 at the Provincial Capitol Building to address issues and concerns of stakeholders pursuant to Executive Order No. 39 or the Imposition of Mandated Price Ceilings On Rice signed by President Ferdinand "BongBong" Marcos.

Led by the Vice-Chairman of the council, DTI-La Union Provincial Director Merlie D. Membrere, the meeting tackled the role of LUPCC members in support to the compliance of all rice retailers in the Province of La Union on the price regulation of regular and well-milled rice.

During the Meeting, Department of Agriculture (DA) Regional Executive Director Annie Q. Bares has reiterated the importance of setting concrete guidelines and parameters to determine compliant rice retailers and create strategies to ensure fair trade practices in the rice industry.

DILG LU Provincial Director Reggie R. Colisao signified support to ensure immediate dissemination of the said mandate to all Local Government Units in La Union and intensify the role of the local Price Coordinating Council of each LGU.

As a result of the said meeting, an Inspection Team was formed composed of DTI, DA and National Food Authority representatives. They will conduct simultaneous monitoring and validation activities provincewide in coordination with Business Permit and Licensing Officers and Municipal Agricultural Officers on September 11-13, 2023 to check the compliance of rice retailers on the rice price ceiling. The result of this activity will be submitted to the national government and will be used as basis for the cash assistance of P15,000 that will be given to compliant micro-rice retailers. The cash assistance is part of the Sustainable Livelihood Program of President Marcos.

The collaboration of all LUPCC members is a manifestation of support to Governor Raphaelle Veronica "Rafy" Ortega-David's #LaUnionPROBINSYAnihan to protect the welfare of all consumers, to ensure food security, and to uphold transparency and accountability on trade practices in the Province of La Union.

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