Kaprobinsiaan, here is the La Union COVID-19 Case Bulletin as of July 26, 2020, 5:00PM

Kaprobinsiaan, here is the La Union COVID-19 Case Bulletin as of July 26, 2020, 5:00PM. Two (2) new COVID-19 cases are recorded from the City of San Fernando and the Municipality of Aringay. Currently, we have 46 Active Cases in the province.

By virtue of Regional Inter-Agency Task Force for COVID-19 (RIATF) Resolution No. 30 s. 2020 and Provincial Government of La Union Executive Order No. 25 s. 2020, the ENHANCED COMMUNITY QUARANTINE (ECQ) in the MUNICIPALITY OF CABA, LA UNION is hereby extended until JULY 27, 2020.

You may access the RIATF Res. 30 s. 2020 here https://bit.ly/RIATF-Resolution-No-30-2020 and EO No. 25 s. 2020 here: https://bit.ly/EO-25-2020

Let us continue to portray our own roles to heal as one. Be one #WithUs as we work together to build a Stronger La Union!


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