Gov. Rafy visits Rosario District Hospital

By: Geraldine B. Salazar-Lucero, PIO | Photos By: Provincial Information Office | Date: July 6, 2022

As part of her vision to align La Union Provincial Offices and District Hospitals in the realization of the P.U.S.O. Agenda, Gov. Raphaelle Veronica "Rafy" Ortega-David visited Rosario District Hospital (RDH) for a Kamustahan with the employees and to check their equipment and facilities on July 6, 2022.

Just like in her previous kamustahan with the PGLU offices within the Provincial Capitol grounds, she mentioned that she is looking after the employees welfare and healthy mental state for these to contribute to their individual productivity and to the overall performance of the Provincial Government.

Gov. Rafy, together with Provincial Health Officer Dr. Eduardo Posadas also checked on the equipment and facilities of RDH for possible upgrading in line of the new provincial administration's plan of establishing a more responsive, accessible and developed healthcare system for the kaprobinsiaan.

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