Formalizing Collaboration: PGLU, UPLB Seal Partnership in MOA Signing Ceremony

By: Office of the Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator | Photos By: PIO | Date: November 24, 2023

Venturing towards sustainability and forging partnerships, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Provincial Government of La Union (PGLU) and the University of the Philippines Los Baños (WILUP UPLB) was signed to adapt the Ridge-to-Reef (R2R) or Watershed Ecological Management (WEM) Approach on November 24, 2023 at the Hotel Ariana, Paringao, Bauang, La Union. The signing ceremony provides potential integration of the R2R/WEM approach in the updating of the Provincial Development Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) of the Province.

Gov. Raphaelle Veronica “Rafy” Ortega-David expressed her warm welcome and heartfelt gratitude to UPLB for choosing the Province as their partner to push through approaches that could lead to sustainability development in the Province with the integration of R2R/WEM approach in the updating of the PDPFP in her message delivered by Provincial Administrator Agness Grace A. Cargamento. Hence, this momentous event calls for the Province’s drive to La Union PROBINSYAnihan. “That being said, the MOA undertaking we will have today symbolizes that the UPLB is now a part of the La Union PROBINSYAnihan,” she said.

Under the agreement, it seeks to implement projects such as the review and preparation of the Integrated Watershed Management Plans of watersheds that are wholly or in part within the administrative boundary of PGLU; updating of the PDPFP using the R2R framework; and the formulation of the Local Climate Change Action Plan for the Province of La Union.

Also present in the event were Dr. Jose V. Camacho, Jr., Chancellor; UPLB joined by Dr. Rex Vito O. Cruz, UPLB Professor Emeritus; Mr. Mario O, Tercero, UPLB Assistant Professor; Dr. Vida Carandang, also from UPLB; PGLU Department Heads, EnP. Michaela Louise T. Delfinado, Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator; Ms. Catherine E. Franco, Provincial Budget Officer; Ms. Janet D. Molina, Provincial Treasurer; and Mr. Aurelano F. Rullodan III Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer.

The activity also highlighted the conduct of the Regional Policy Forum and the Capability Training Needs Assessment on R2R/WEM approach to CLUPs and PDPFPs participated in by representatives from each component LGUs in the Province of La Union; Academe; selected National Government Agencies; and various Provincial Government Units in Region 1 and CAR. The forum aims to provide discussions of various issues and challenges in the adoption of the R2R/WEM approach in the formulation and revision of the said plans.

The MOA signing ceremony anticipated a fruitful dialogue that culminated in a collaborative partnership to weave the principles of R2R/WEM into the fabric of La Union's development framework, ensuring a harmonious and sustainable trajectory for the province's future.

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