By: Grace L. Libong, GPC-ENRU | Photo By: GPC-ENRU | Date: November 11-13, 2020

The Office of the Governor -Environment and Natural Resources (OPG-ENRU) conducted mangrove assessment in Balaoan, Bacnotan and San Juan (BalBaSan) area in partnership with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Conservation and Development Division together with Office of the Provincial Agriculturist -Fishery Division in collaboration with the concerned Local Government Units on November 11-13, 2020.

The activity is a part of the BALBASAN Marine Protected Area Network’s (MPAN) three years sustainability plan. As a result, the group were able to identify eight mangrove species in the barangays of Balaoan (Paraoir and Almeida) while both the Municipalities of Bacnotan (Galongen Quirino and Baroro) and San Juan (Talogtog, Taboc and Ili Norte) both have seven mangrove species. Identified mangrove species included; Bakawan lalaki, Bakawan babae, Pedada, Nipa, Palaypay, Pototan, Lagiwliw, Buta – buta, Bakawan bato, Bungalon, Kalapini, Culasi, Tinduk-tindukan, Tawalis and Bantigue. All in all, there were 15 mangrove species found in the BALBSAN MPAN.

Mangroves are considered the most important components of the coastal ecosystem. The need to conduct mangrove area assessment plays an important role not only to have a baseline data for policy recommendation but mainly as foundation for the conservation and protection purposes.

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