#chooseday We’re claiming for brighter days ☀️ to come our way, Kaprobinsiaan!❤ This #chooseday Tuesday, let us choose to hold on CoViD-19 Case Bulletin as of April 26, 2021, 11:00 PM We each have a role to play to beat this virus. Work #WithUs. As of April 26, 2021, 11:00 PM, #MondayMotivation You are chosen.✨ You are who GOD says you are.☝️ Remind yourself that GOD has set out a route for CoViD-19 Case Bulletin as of April 25, 2021, 11:00 PM Isapuso at isaisip ang mga hakbang na dapat gawin para malabanan ang virus. Sa ating pagtutulungan, mas maraming recoveries ang PLEASE STAY SAFER #WithUs We mean it when we encourage you to stay SAFER😷 #WithUs.🤜🤛 This is the best way to protect ourselves and Pray & Reflect GOD will never leave you nor forsake you.🥰 As you begin the day, may you find peace in His love.🤍 CoViD-19 Case Bulletin as of April 24, 2021, 11:00 PM Lahat tayo ay bahagi ng pagsugpo sa CoViD-19. Patuloy tayong magpakita ng malasakit at kooperasyon para mas mapataas pa natin He has made all things beautiful in it's time. -Ecclessiasates: 3:11 We may not see it yet, but GOD ☝🏻 has planned out the bigger picture for all of us.❤️ We #BakunaMuna Para sa ligtas na pamilya, #BakunaMuna!💪 Ngayong #WorldImmunizationWeek,💉 tayo ay maging maalam ✅ sa kahalagahan na naidudulot ng bakuna hindi Contact Trace #WithUs Ano ang iyong maitutulong para maagapan ang pagkalat ng kaso sa La Union? Help us in contact tracing, Kaprobinsiaan!🔍 📌Alamin CoViD-19 Case Bulletin as of April 23, 2021, 11:00 PM Our solidarity brings us a step closer to greater recoveries. We continue to work together, Kaprobinsiaan! As of April 23, ANG BAYAN NG BAUANG AY PATULOY NA SASAILALIM SA MECQ HANGGANG ABRIL 30, 2021 We are strongly facing the current reality together because you have been #WithUs in fighting this pandemic. To further help « Previous 1 … 130 131 132 133 134 … 240 Next »