By: Joy Ann L. Gurtiza, GPC-LUPTO | Photo By: GPC-LUPTO | Date: April 27 – 28, 2021

Department of Tourism (DOT) – Office of Tourism Development Planning, Research and Information Management Tourism Operations Officer II Faeroe Jeanne M. Fontanilla addresses the importance of Tourism Statistics to the participants during the Regional Online Basic Tourism Statistics Training (BTST) conducted by the DOT-OTDPRIM in collaboration with the DOT – Region 1 on April 27 – 28, 2021 via video conferencing.

The training was designed to capacitate the local government units towards assessment and documentation of local tourism situations and to improve tourism development plans by enhancing their knowledge on tourism statistics.

The Provincial Government of La Union (PGLU) through the La Union Provincial Tourism Office (LUPTO) participated in the Regional Online Basic Tourism Statistics Training (BTST) conducted by the Department of Tourism (DOT) – Office of Tourism Development Planning, Research and Information Management (OTDPRIM) in collaboration with the DOT – Region 1 on April 27 – 28, 2021 via video conferencing.

This two-day online training aimed to provide participants the knowledge of using the standard reporting forms for tourist arrivals of overnight guests and visitors in tourism attractions. The La Union delegation was composed of representatives from LUPTO through its Tourism Planning, Research and Information Management Section; the City of San Fernando; and all 19 Municipalities of the province.

”Proper tourism statistics gathering is vital in industry development in the region,” said Senior Tourism Operations Officer Ramil S. Basuel of the DOT – OTDPRIM, who served as the Resource Speaker during the training. “The LGUs must learn about this because they are assisting the DOT in compiling local tourism data. We need to collect data because we want to monitor the benefits of the tourism industry,” Basuel explained.

Similarly, DOT – OTDPRIM Tourism Operations Officer II Faeroe Jeanne M. Fontanilla addressed the importance of Tourism Statistics and hoped that the training will help
participants in collecting data using the recommended forms and be able to assess tourism sites using prescribed tools so they could contribute to tourism indicators in their respective jurisdictions.

Participants were trained to use a programmed system of data collection to help collate systematically their tourism arrivals and share data to the LGUs who in turn will be able to use them for planning tourism development in their respective locality.

The conduct of BTST is mandated under Section 30 of Republic Act 9593 better known as the Tourism Act of 2009, which requires the LGUs to monitor tourist arrivals from accommodation establishments and tourism attractions. This is vital to the tourism industry in order to monitor the economic impact in which data will help LGUs in making decisions for future trends in development especially in infrastructure and human resource which can be reflected in their Comprehensive Land Use Plans.

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