By: Grace L. Libong, GPC-ENRU | Photo By: GPC-ENRU | Date: November 18, 2020

Amidst the CoViD -19 pandemic, the Office of the Governor -Environment and Natural Resources (OPG-ENRU) joins the Lower Amburayan River System-Water Quality Management Area (LARS-WQMA) river clean-up at Sudipen, La Union on November 18, 2020.

The activity was conducted in collaboration with the members of the Governing Board namely Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Environment and Managemetn Bureau; Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office; Municipality of Sudipen and its five Barangays covering the lower Amburayan river (Ipet, Poblacion, Old central, Ilocano and Namaltugan); and the PNP-Sudipen.

The activity with the theme “Let Our Rivers Heal Too” is a part of the LARS-WQMA sustainability plan. As a result, 39 participants were able to collect 205 kilograms of collectible solid waste considered as residuals such as plastic bottles and rappers, cans, and worn out shoes and clothes. Further, some metals/car part were also noticed. The waste collected were then segregated and handed to the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Sudipen for proper disposal.

LARS-WQMA is being managed by the established Governing Board/council covering three LGUs in La Union and six LGUs in Ilocos Sur chaired by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and co-chaired by both mentioned provinces and was created to effectively manage the Amburayan River and its resources. Thus, the clean-up activity is a part of the interdependent support to the WQMA.

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