Kaprobinsiaan, here is the La Union CoViD-19 Case Bulletin as of September 4, 2020, 5:00 PM

Kaprobinsiaan, here is the La Union CoViD-19 Case Bulletin as of September 4, 2020, 5:00 PM.

Seven (7) new cases are recorded in the province today. Five (5) from the Municipality of Agoo and two (2) from the City of San Fernando.

We also recorded additional seven (7) new recoveries. Three (3) from the City of San Fernando, two (2) from the Municipality of Agoo and one (1) each from the Municipality of Rosario and the Municipality of Tubao.

Currently, we have a total of 31 active cases.

For more information and data analytics, please visit our official data dashboard at bit.ly/lucoviddashboard


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