Kaprobinsiaan, here is the La Union CoViD-19 Case Bulletin as of August 3, 2020, 9:00 PM

Kaprobinsiaan, here is the La Union CoViD-19 Case Bulletin as of August 3, 2020, 9:00 PM.

Five (5) new CoViD-19 cases were recorded in the Province of La Union today. Three (3) were from the Municipality of Bacnotan, and two (2) were recorded from the Municipality of Naguilian.

On the other hand, we also recorded three (3) new recoveries from the Municipality of Caba, Municipality of Bauang and City of San Fernando.

Currently, we have 38 Active Cases in the province.

We can only heal as one if we continue to work together and recognize that we each have a role to play to win this battle against CoViD-19.

Be one #WithUs in building a Stronger La Union.


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