[wp-svg-icons icon="user" wrap="span"] By: Joy Ann L. Gurtiza | [wp-svg-icons icon="camera" wrap="span"] By: Joy Ann L. Gurtiza | [wp-svg-icons icon="calendar" wrap="span"] Date: November 12 – 16, 2018
La Union delegates discuss and prepare their outputs on the Assessment of the Implementation of the Visitor Surveys during the Advanced Tourism Statistics Training Phase II at the Casa Pilar Beach Resort, Manoc-Manoc, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan on November 12 – 16, 2018.
To further improve La Union tourism development plans, La Union delegates participated in the Advanced Tourism Statistics Training (ATST) Phase II at the Casa Pilar Beach Resort, Manoc-Manoc, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan on November 12 – 16, 2018.
This five-day training on tourism statistics, which was conducted in collaboration with the Department of Tourism (DOT) – Office of Tourism Development Planning, Research and Information Management (OTDPRIM) and DOT – Region 1, was participated in by tourism officers and technical tourism staff from across the region. It aims to develop and strengthen the organizational and institutional mechanism at the national, regional and local levels to support the generation of tourism statistics. It is the second of the three part series of Standard Local Tourism Statistics System being implemented by the DOT and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JAICA).
La Union delegation was composed of representatives from each tourism circuits: City of San Fernando and San Juan from the Central Tourism Circuit, Luna from the Northern Tourism Circuit, Bauang from the Central Eastern Tourism Circuit and Agoo from the Southern Tourism Circuit.
"Proper tourism statistics gathering is vital in industry development in the region,” said Senior Tourism Operations Officer Ramil S. Basuel of the DOT – OTDPRIM, who served as the Resource Speaker during the training. “We have to ensure accuracy in our reports," Basuel added.
Throughout the training, the participants learned about data interpretation and analysis, after learning basic tourism statistics data and conducting surveys during the first ATST last year. They learned how to properly acquire data on annual volume of visitors, length of stay, daily expenditure, favorite activities/attractions, and among other trend parameters. The participants were also able to generate reports and graphic presentations using data from the surveys; understand the concept of tourism marketing and promotion in relation to database building; and use the output of the basic and advanced data gathering methodologies in marketing and promotion.
Moreover, they were trained on the formulas to compute for the amount of money spent by tourists during their stay in the province which reflects how tourism contributes to economic growth.
Through ATST II, the provincial government can plan better projects and identify specific areas that need to be developed. This will also capacitate Local Government Units in effectively utilizing and implementing a destination visitor survey which will allow them to generate reliable local tourism insights gleaned from survey results.