Walkie Talkie for SWAT LUPPO

[wp-svg-icons icon="user" wrap="span"] By:  Camille Bumatay |  [wp-svg-icons icon="camera" wrap="span"] By: OPG-Media and Public Information Unit  |  [wp-svg-icons icon="calendar" wrap="span"] Date: September 24, 2018

Gov. Francisco Emmanuel "Pacoy" R. Ortega III hands over a Cignus Radio Walkie Talkie to Platoon leader PCINSP Fredilex A Marron of Special Weapons and Tactics La Union Police Provincial Office on September 24, 2018 at Canaoay, City of San Fernando, La Union. A total of 20 pieces of Walkie Talkies were turned over for the first and second districts of La Union
