We remain steadfast in managing the transmission of CoViD-19 in the province while providing proper care and support to those in need!

The Regional Task Force, Provincial Government of La Union (PGLU) and the 20 Component Local Government Units all have isolation facilities established in the Province. Apart from accommodating suspect cases, the facilities are ready to accommodate Hatid Tulong Program beneficiaries.

Stay informed, Kaprobinsiaan! Here are some reminders on who to isolate and the procedures on how the Province handles return of Locally-Stranded Individuals.

Moreover, if you know anyone or if you are a Locally-Stranded Individual or Returning Overseas Worker, please coordinate with your respective local government and strictly follow protocols to include isolation and testing.

As one Province, let us continue to care for one another and follow the minimum health standards. Stay safe, kaprobinsiaan!


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